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Submit Abstract (CLOSE)
until October 7th, 2024 
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Oral and/or Poster Communications

The overall theme of this year’s PhD Day is focusing on the goals of the 2030 agenda and how our society and scientific community do to reach them. Try to answer questions like: why is your research interesting and important? How can your research be applied? What problems might your research help solve?

idée de génie

Oral and/or Poster Presentation

The communication form is free but should focus on “delivering the overall message” rather than giving lengthy details on a specific topic. You can choose to focus on a method or the conclusion of your research. This year, the challenge is to simplify and communicate your topic, so, the PhD students are invited to submit an abstract for an oral communication through a Flash talk (8-10 minutes maximum) or/and a poster communication through a Pitch (3-5 minutes maximum). 



  • Written in English

  • Font style: cespu

  • ​​​Presented in English or Portuguese

  • Poster: Size 90 x 120 cm; vertical orientation following template (Mandatory)

  • Oral: 5-10 slides (maximum); horizontal orientation following template (Mandatory).


Please use the form below to submit your abstract (PDF).



1st Place - Best Oral Communication Award

Free Congress Registration - IV TOXRUN INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 2025



​25 € Voucher - Pactor/Lidel (PACTOR publisher of the LIDEL Group)



2nd Place - Honorable Mention of Oral Communication


1st Place - Best Poster Communication Award

Free Congress Registration - IV TOXRUN INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 2025



​10 % Voucher - Fama Low Cost (Travel agency)​


​​2nd Place - Honorable Mention of Oral Communication

Prizes Draw


2 Winners

25 € Voucher - Pactor/Lidel (PACTOR publisher of the LIDEL Group)

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