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October 16th, 2024
uditorium II
(Edif. 2)
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abstract (CLOSE)
until October 7th, 2024

PhD Day IUCS 2024
VI Edition

Empowering Change: Strategies to achieve the goals of the 2030 agenda

Doctoral programs in Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology

Welcome to our event!
Let us introduce ourselves

The PhD Day IUCS 2024 - VI Edition is an annual scientific event that takes place at the University Institute of Health Sciences (IUCS-CESPU). This is a major opportunity for PhD students to socialize and present their research to peers, researchers, and the rest of the academic community. Other students, including BSc and MSc, researchers and professors from IUCS-CESPU and other institutions are also encouraged to participate in this event.

For the third time, the event will be organized by PhD students of Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology from IUCS-CESPU. This year, the PhD students are invited to submit an abstract for an oral or/and poster communication. 

Furthermore, attendants will be able to learn from invited top researchers from varied scientific areas who will present their work.

Our aims

Classe de sciences


Each participant can submit they work for poster presentation, being also encouraged to join the constructive discussions that will take place in the Poster Session and Networking.

Conférence d'affaires


Networking between participants and the establishment of interdisciplinary collaborations is encouraged in this event. 

Événement de conférence


This event is an opportunity for PhD students to develop both written and oral communication of their work, since the poster will be presented through a Pitch/Flash Talk.

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