Maria Joana Barbosa graduated in Biochemistry from FCUP/ICBAS-UP in 2007. On her final BSc degree internship, she worked on the development of a methodology for the assessment of insulin bioactivity upon its nanoencapsulation. In 2009, she completed an MSc in Biochemistry at the same institutions. During this period, she focused on the characterization of the molecular alterations underlying spindle assembly checkpoint inefficiency in brain tumour cells. In the meanwhile, she started working as an Invited Assistant Professor at IUCS/CESPU, lecturing theoretical, practical and theoretical-practical classes in the fields of Biochemistry, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Cytogenetics, Laboratory Techniques, Clinical and Forensic Toxicology to several BSc and MSc degrees. She was also member of the Pedagogic Council of the same institution. During her research path, she also integrated teams dedicated to the study of the secretory pathway of proteins with biotechnological interest and of pharmacogenetic variations with toxicological relevance. In 2021, she completed her PhD in Biomedicine at FMUP, specializing in the assessment of prescription opioid toxicology using in vivo models. She is interested in opioid pharmacogenetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and toxicology, currently working at UCIBIO-REQUIMTE. She is also an integrated member of the TOXRUN - Toxicology Research Unit/IUCS, an Invited Auxiliary Professor at the IUCS - University Institute of Health Sciences/CESPU, and the Copy Editor of Scientific Letters (ISSN 2795-5117).
PhD. Prof. Joana Barbosa

Andrea Cunha is an invited assistant professor of Biochemistry, Immunology and Organic chemistry at IUCS/CESPU. She has a Degree in Biochemistry , a MSc degree in Molecular Therapies (IUCS/CESPU, 2013) and a PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences (IUCS/CESPU, 2022). Within the scope of her MSc thesis, she focused her research on the functional and population analysis of genetic polymorphisms affecting genes involved in drug metabolism and transport, namely those encoding for cytochrome P450 CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 enzymes, and MDR1, encoding for P-glycoprotein. These polymorphisms may affect the efficacy of pharmacotherapy, as well as the susceptibility to certain diseases, including cancer. Andrea is currently integrated in the research group of the Oral Pathology and Rehabilitation Research Unit (UNIPRO/CESPU) and her research is focused on understanding the relationship between the microenvironment and the metabolism of tumor cells. Since tumor cells are particularly dependent on glycolysis, glycolytic inhibitors arise as promising strategies to selectively interfere with energy metabolism and lactate production, which, in turn, also affects tumor microenvironment. Within the scope of her research work, she has performed poster communications and oral communications in national and international scientific meetings, which led to a proceedings publication.
PhD. Prof. Andrea Cunha

PhD. Prof. Juliana Faria

Patrícia Silva is Research Assistant and Invited Auxiliar Professor of Morfologia e Funções do Corpo Humano at the Universitary Institute of Health Sciences (IUCS) of CESPU. She graduated in Pathological, Cytological and Thanatological Anatomy (CESPU) in 2008 and completed a Master in Molecular Biology Techniques and Cytomics in Health Science (CESPU) in 2011. From 2013 to 2017 she was devoted to her PhD in Biomedical Sciences, from the Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina da Universidade do Algarve, where she explored the function, regulation and therapeutic implications of the Spindle assembly Checkpoint (SAC) mechanism (FEBS Lett. 2014 Aug 25;588(17):3265-73; FEBS Lett. 2015 Nov 30;589(23):3588-94; Cancer Lett. 2017 May 28;394:33-42). The PhD work were performed at the Centre for Biomedical Research (CBMR, Ualg) in collaboration with CESPU. Currently, her research interest focuses on the clinical relevance of mitosis regulation and in development of strategies to kill cancer cells or to increase their sensitivity to currently anti-mitotic agents (Oral Dis. 2019 Jul;25(5):1291-1301; Pharmaceutics. 2020 Dec 6;12(12):1186; Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 18;11(1):4139; Pharmaceutics. 2021 Jul 2;13(7):1011.; Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2021;21(5):401-415.). She published 25 articles in international peer reviewed (ISI) journals, most in Q1, was author/co-author of 26 invited/selected talks in national and international meetings, was partner of 18 projects with competitive funding (FCT, Norte2020, CESPU), and she has co-supervised 19 MSc and graduated students.
PhD. Prof. Patrícia Silva

Virgínia Gonçalves graduated in Chemistry - branch of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry in 2003 from the University of Aveiro, and completed her Master's Degree in Biochemistry and Food Chemistry in 2007 at the University of Aveiro. She is currently a Research Assistant at the One Health Toxicology Research Unit (1H-TOXRUN) of the University Institute of Health Sciences, CESPU (IUCS-CESPU). Her contributions to research are significant, with 32 articles published in international peer-reviewed journals, mostly in Q1 journals. Over the years, Virgínia has demonstrated her commitment to the scientific community by participating in the organisation of 19 events, including seminars, workshops, congresses and advanced courses. In terms of participation in funded projects, she has participated as a Research Fellow in 3 projects and as a Researcher in 14 projects (6 with national external funding; 8 funded by CESPU). In addition to her contributions to research and to the organisation of events, Virgínia is a reviewer for several international scientific journals, including Molecules (MDPI), Antibiotics (MDPI), Journal of Hazard Materials (Elsevier), Water Emerging Contaminants and Nanoplastics (OAE Publishing Inc), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (Elsevier), and Separation (MDPI). She works in the area of Natural Sciences in the fields of Earth and Environmental Sciences, with some emphasis on Chemical Sciences and Analytical Chemistry (within the scope of the development and validation of analytical methods, namely by liquid or gas chromatography). Her research focus includes the analysis of micropollutants, chiral compounds, endocrine disruptors and psychoactive substances in environmental and/or biological samples. This focus emphasises his commitment to addressing critical issues in environmental sciences and public health.
MSc. Virgínia Gonçalves

Cláudia Ribeiro (CR) is associate professor at the University Institute of Health Sciences and a researcher at the UCIBIO- IUCS-CESPU. She has a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences. Since the beginning of the PhD, the scientific activity has been related to the occurrence, distribution and ecotoxicity effects of emerging contaminants. Her expertise is related with the development of chromatographic analytical methodologies for determination of endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs in different matrices including biological (plasma, urine) and environmental (water, wastewaters, sediments). Her research areas include the development of analytical methods both achiral and chiral for analysis of micropollutants in environmental matrices; sample preparation procedures for the analysis of various compounds; ecotoxicological assays and risk assessment. At the IUCS-CESPU, she is the regent and lecturer of various curricular units in the fields of chemistry and analytical instrumental methodologies. She is member of the Coordinating Committee of the 1H-TOXRUN research unit. She is supervisor of various masters and PhD students. She is engaged in several research projects holding positions as team member and principal investigator. Currently she has secured funding as PI in a competitive FCT call for a project related to enantioselective ecotoxicology (PTDC/CTA-AMB/6686/2020), CESPU PI of another national funded project 2022. 02842.PTDC and team member of 2022.08738.PTDC. She makes part of the editorial board of the Scientific Letters journal. Her contributions have been recognized with the CESPU Scientific Award in 2021, 2022, and 2023.
PhD. Prof. Cláudia Ribeiro

Sandra Leal, completed the PhD in Pharmacology in 2008 the PhD in Pharmacology in 2008 by Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (FFUP), the Master's degree in Human Biology in 1997 by Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) and the degree in Nutritional Sciences in 1994 by Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (FCNAUP). She is Associate Professor in Instituto Universitário de Ciências da Saúde (IUCS), principal investigator at the UCIBIO -Toxicologic Pathology Research Laboratory (1H-TOXRUN, IUCS-CESPU). Participates and/or participated as Principal investigator (PI) and as Co-PI various projects. Collaborates or has collaborated as a researcher on various national and international projects. Research Focus: Works in the area of Medical and Health Sciences with emphasis on modifiable lifestyle behaviors and their impact, within the scope of Neurosciences, Toxicology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
PhD. Prof. Sandra Leal

Eduarda Silva is, since September 2020, an Assistant Professor at IUCS-CESPU. She is now implementing her own research group taking advantages of the experience gained in leading international groups in organic chemistry and her position close to top experts in drug research. Eduarda carried out her PhD studies under the guidance of Prof. Laurence Harwood at University of Reading (UK). The work was concerned with the total synthesis of mycaperoxide B probing a biomimetic approach. She finished her PhD degree in 2009 and then joined the group of Prof. Artur M. S. Silva as a postdoc researcher at UA. Her research interests were concerned with catalysis, stereochemistry and the formation of carbon-carbon bonds through the 1,6-conjugated addition of carbon nucleophiles to diene systems deficient in electrons. Later in 2016, she became an Assistant Researcher at REQUIMTE-FFUP, working towards the development and validation of analytical methods for application to biological and environmental samples. She recently joined the European Network in Lipidomics and EpiLipidomics [CA19105], as management committee member, and as a working group member of the Cost action on GLYCOnanoPROBES [CA18132]. Overall, Eduarda is the co-author of 35 peer-reviewed publications in international journals (24 in Q1 of the subject area, Scopus®) from which she is the single corresponding author in 2, co-corresponding author in 8, and 1st author in 17. Her h-index is 12 and her papers have over 450 citations (Scopus®). Her research led to 11 oral presentations (3 by invitation) and nearly 40 posters communications in international/national conferences. She is now responsible for the co-supervision of a PhD student (Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD program) and supervision of a research internship student (Biomedical Sciences BSc). She has co-supervised one MSc student, an Erasmus student and several BSc students. She carries out educational activities related with her academic position.
PhD. Prof. Eduarda Silva

PhD. Prof. Daniel Barbosa

Filipa Sobral is an Invited Assistant Professor at University Institute of Health Sciences IUCS/CESPU and an Integrated Research at Associated Laboratory i4HB and Toxicologic Pathology Research Laboratory at UCIBIO. She holds a BSc degree in Bioanalytical Sciences (FFUC), specializing in pharmaceutical and biological analyses. She also holds a MSc degree in Cell and Molecular Biology (FCTUC/FFUP). During her master's studies, she investigated the antitumor efficacy of new breast cancer therapeutic drugs in vitro. In 2022, she completed her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from ICBAS at i3S, focusing on the importance of cytoskeletal proteins for cell division in vivo. During the same year, she has worked at a pharmaceutical company in Porto, where she produced therapeutic antibodies for international pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. She is the author or co-author of several peer-reviewed papers published in international journals and has presented her work at international conferences and science communication events. Currently, Filipa Sobral lectures on various toxicology-related subjects across undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs.
PhD. Prof. Ana Filipa Sobral

Prof. Dr. Kristof Raemdonck obtained his PhD in Respiratory Pharmacology at Imperial College London in 2011. His thesis work was focused on developing animal models of airway disease that closely mimicked the human disease and uncovered that the late asthmatic response, a broncho constrictive phase following allergen exposure that most patients describe as most affecting their quality of life, is at least in part driven by a cholinergic reflex arc. Following his PhD, he continued his research as a Post-Doc at the Cell & Molecular Biology group of the Airways Disease Section at Imperial College. As a post-Doc he was also part of the European-wide project U-BIOPRED, a consortium that aimed to overcome roadblocks in drug development for severe asthma. Currently he is a professor of Anatomy at CESPU and FMUP. His current research interests focus on how respiratory disease can affect olfaction, the CNS and their link with mood disorders.
PhD. Prof. Kristof Raemdonck