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Special Invited Speaker


Soft Skills Pro - Método

Founder and General Director of Method, he has a Master's degree in Psychology and Guest Professor at the Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, having collaborated in the last 12 years with more than 175 companies, educational institutions, training centers and sports teams, in skills training and personal development. Trainer certified by the IEFP has more than 10,500 hours of training executive staff at leading companies at national and international level, on topics such as Leadership, Communication, Organization and Time Management, Motivation and Team Management, among others. At the same time, he coordinates and promotes Teambuilding programs in outdoor and indoor formats. He is also a guest speaker for lectures and personal development workshops and has more than 2500 hours of experience, in more than 20 Universities, Polytechnics and Schools, namely Universidade Portucalense, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Faculdade de Desporto da UP, IPMAIA and Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior.

MSc. Prof. Pedro Silva

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Invited Speakers


PhD. Prof. António Ferreira


António Bartolomeu Jácomo Ferreira completed his PhD in Philosophy and Literature at the Pontifical University of Salamanca in 2006. He is a researcher-coordinator at the Portuguese Catholic University (01/10/2010). He has published 7 articles in specialized journals and 8 works in event annals, and has published 7 books. It has 24 technical production items. Supervised 1 doctoral thesis and supervised 2 master's theses in the areas of Arts and Philosophy, Ethics and Religion. Received 2 awards and/or honors. He works in the areas of Humanities with an emphasis on Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Social Sciences with an emphasis on Political Sciences and Humanities with an emphasis on Arts. In his professional activities, he interacted with 3 collaborators in co-authoring scientific works.

President of the Ethics Committee of CESPU (​06/01/2022); Assistant Professor at the IUCS-CESPU (01/09/2021); Guest teacher POS-PHD researcher in the Bioethics Research Centre (GIB) - Institute of Bioethics of the Portuguese Catholic University (10/03/2009); Guest teacher for the signatures of “History of the European Idea” and “European Enlargement” in the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca – Spain (26/09/2008); Assistant-trainee on the European Parliament (01/01/2003 - 01/06/2003); Guest teacher at the School of Education - Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (01/09/2011); Specialist deputy to support the Portuguese Presidency of de European Union in the areas of the relationship with the European Parliament, Treaty reform and Human Rights (01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007); POS-PHD researcher in the CENTRE OF PHILOSOPHY OF THE LISBON UNIVERSITY AND IN THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY - ENGLAND, FUNDAÇÃO PARA A CIENCIA E A TECNOLOGIA Av. D. Carlos I, 126, 1249-074 Lisbon, Portugal (01/02/2006 - 31/12/2008).


Technical Director - Global Quality Management Head - Avextra​​

Estela Figueiredo is an EU Qualified Person with the role of Avextra’s Global Head of Quality and technical director of the Portuguese project, joining the company in 2019. Pharmacist by training with MsC in Toxicology, she has more than 10 years’ experience in QM and Regulatory Affairs. Former production lead at Novartis.

Extended experience in community pharmacy and pharmacy management including experience in radiopharmacy and radioprotection, GMP expertise, GACP expertise, control of the production and teams assigned to it, operational planning, management of the physical assets assigned to the production line, experience in qualification and validation methods, quality assurance knowledge, quality control process knowledge and pharmacovigilance.

MSc. Estela Figueiredo


PhD. Prof. João Soares Carrola

Ambiente, Ética e Sustentabilidade

Professor Auxiliar no Departamento de Biologia e Ambiente (DeBA) na UTAD e investigador no CITAB (Centro de Investigação e Tecnologias Agroambientais e Biológicas). É docente em várias UC incluindo a Toxicologia, Toxicologia Alimentar e regente da UCs de Ecotoxicologia e Biologia dos Cordados. É licenciado em Engenharia Zootécnica pela UTAD. Realizou o Estágio de Licenciatura na Universidad Pública de Navarra, em Pamplona (Espanha): Estudo de atmosferas modificadas na conservação de carne de 6 raças bovinas autóctones espanholas. Concluiu o Mestrado em 2003, com a dissertação intitulada: Histopatologia hepática como biomarcador da poluição em sistemas aquáticos: Bacias Hidrográficas dos Rios Douro e Ave. Doutorado nas Ciências Ambientais pela UTAD, em 2011, com a tese intitulada: "Light Microscopic Studies of Toxicopathic Changes in Fishes from the Tinhela and Vizela Rivers, and from the Mondego, Douro and Ave Estuaries" numa colaboração com o CIIMAR. Tem numerosos artigos científicos publicados na área Ecotoxicologia e Toxicologia Aquática, e é revisor em várias revistas científicas internacionais. Neste momento faz investigação com peixe-zebra (Danio rerio), dáfnia (Daphnia magna) e na parte terrestre com a oligoqueta (Eisenia fetida). Possui o Curso de Ciências em Animais de Laboratório (Categoria C, realizado em 2010 + Categoria B, CAL-AQUA realizado em 2015). É Co-Investigador responsável (CO-PI) do projeto ENANTIOTOX da FCT (Concluído em Agosto 2024 ), estudando o efeito de substâncias psicoativas em diversos parâmetros de peixe-zebra, dafnias e Eisenia numa parceria com a CESPU, Universidade do Porto, Universidade do Minho e Universidade de Coimbra. É Review Editor na área da Aquatic Population Health and Diseases na revista científica Freshwater Science da editora Frontiers. É vice-presidente da Sociedade Ibérica de Ictiologia (SIBIC) desde junho de 2024. Costuma participar como formador para docentes, investigadores e alunos de doutoramento em várias áreas: gestão de referências bibliográficas - EndNote; desenho vetorial usando PowerPoint do Microsoft Office; resumos gráficos para investigadores e comunicação de ciência; edição de imagens e fotografia científica; ética na edição e manipulação de imagens para investigação.

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